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Artistic Research Projects

Holds No Memory

Co-researcher in Holds No Memory 2005 - 2006, a project directed by Choreographer and Professor Ana Sanchez Colberg, financed by Brittish Council.
Watch the video on Vimeo

Movement as the Memory of the Body

Movement as the Memory of the Body was a research project within my professorship in collaboration with other artists, a social gerontologist, a sociologist, a philosopher and an economist. The project was funded by the Swedish Research Council, KUR and Danshögskolans KU-nämnd, and was presented in three different works for stage, in film and in a book.

The Art of Dance in a Frozen Landscape

The Art of Dance in a Frozen Landscape was a study of the cultural factors that influence the expression of movement and gesture. The project was carried out during the polar expedition Arctic Ocean in 2002, organized by the Swedish Polar Research Institute, where I worked on the ice just south of the North Pole. The project was documented in film and text and presented in a dance piece for stage, a dance film, a documentary and a book. Funded by the Swedish Polar Research Secretariat, KUR and Danshögskolans KU-nämnd.

Danskonst i språkets utmarker

Danskonst i språkets utmarker was a development of texts presenting my theories on linguistic performance in and through dance. Funded by KUR and Danshögskolans KU-nämnd.

Det brinnande

Det brinnande was a pilot project on the dance arts support within schools. Funded by KUR, Musik i Halland and the Center for Children's Culture Research in Växjö.


Fittjaprojektet was a research project at Fittja High School, where I followed a class through high school in studies about the creation of meaning in movement, the development of dance and dance film. Funded by KUR and Stockholm County Council.