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Key Notes and Papers

20 August 2020, Key Note
Kédja/Stretch conference
Hey, Hey, We are the Monkeys, digital performance
Watch keynote on Youtube
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10 March 2020, Key Note
AR@K 2020, Høyskolen Kristiania, Oslo, Norway
The Hidden

26 October 2019, Key Note Speaker
D.A.R. Dance and Research, Accademia nazionale di Danza, Rome, Italy
Percorsi di ricerca nell'arte coreutica performative
The Hidden

21 October 2019, Key Note Speaker
ZHDK, Zürich, PhD colloquium on artistic research in performing arts
What Makes Sense? On the notion of language in relation to in-depth research in performing arts and its outreach, A performing lecture

22 October 2018, Key Note Speaker
Nordic Baltic Festivals, Gdansk, Poland
Beyond Borders

8–9 October 2018. Performing Lecture/Keynote
Gaining New Perspective: exercises for body and mind, Danseatelier Rotterdam
Sing a Song or Scream Out Loud
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25 January 2018. Keynote
Tutke research seminar, Uniarts Helsinki, Finland
What Would Serve Us the Best?
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13–14 December 2016. Keynote/Performing lecture
Error Network Symposium, arranged by Leeds University's Performance and Cultural Industries School and Centre for Dance Research at Coventry University, Leeds, England
Dispatched to Your Branch in Error - The Pitfalls of Ambiguity

19–22 October 2016. Keynote/Performing lecture
International Conference Arts Without Borders, University of the Arts Helsinki and CERADA, Helsinki, Finland
Hi! What are you looking for?

13–16 October 2016. Keynote
Dance Education Tendencies and Perspectives, at The Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences in Vilnius, Lithuania
The Moon is just another body

2 July 2016. Keynote/Performing lecture
Undisciplining Dance Symposium, Auckland, New Zeeland
The Artists as Facilitators of Change

12 February 2016. Keynote/Performing lecture
American College, Athens, Greece
Beyond the Ordinary

30th October 2015. Keynote Speaker
German Society of Dance Research, GTF, Conference on practice as research, Medical School Hamburg, Hamburg
Beyond the Ordinary, On artistic research and subversive actions through dance, Performing Lecture

2015. Paper
Ironic Assemblies: Assimilating methods in Practice-Led Research, Edição do Centro de Filosofia, Faculdade de Letras da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal
(Researching the Irony of Distortion)

28th–31st of May 2015. Keynote speaker
12th international NOFOD Conference Reykjavík, Iceland.
Why Claim to be Dancing?

31 May 2014
The public commons and the undercommons of art, education and labor, University of Giessen and Frankfurt Lab, Frankfurt.
Shaking the System by Action

27 May 2014. Key Note Speaker
Uniarts Helsinki: Tutke Spring Days, annual doctoral seminar.
Have a Blast – On art, research and empowerment

2–3 December 2013. Invited guest.
Artez and ICK Amsterdam: Inventing Futures, artistic Research With/in Educational Institutions
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11–12 October 2013, Key note speaker
Doktorandinnenforum Dr.artium, Reiterkasern, KUG, Graz
Turning Narrow-Minded Strategies Upside Down

16 May 2013, Key note speaker
Conservatoire Cherubini in Florence, Italy. Conference on artistic research in music on occasion of the founding of RAMI – Associazione per la Ricerca Musicale in Italia
A Societal Survival Strategy, a vision on artistic research

30 April–2 May 2013, Key note speaker
The Arts Research Institute of Ilia State University, Tbilisi, Georgia (http://www.iliauni.edu.ge), in cooperation with Stichting Caucasus Foundation, the SHARE network and ELIA, present The Fourth International Scientific Conference for scholars from the fields of Arts Sciences, Arts Practice, and Cultural Management, Policy and Tourism
Chew at the edge of Worries, A performing lecture.

15 March 2013, Key Note speaker
Dance4, Nottdance Bonnington Gallery, Nottingham Trent University
What's in it for the artist?

20 February 2013, Key Note Speaker
The (Re)Sounding Experiment, Traces, Faces and Spaces of Artistic Research, Orpheus Research Centre, Gent, Belgium
Down With Experiment – Long Live the Process! or Dance doesn't exist, A Performing Lecture.
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25 January 2013, Key Note Speaker
Movement in Literacy/Literacy in movement, DAAD, Köln
Dance Into Articulation, A Performing Lecture.
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23 March 2012, Key Note speaker
Street Arts Winter Academy, University of Winchester
On Artistic Research

12 October 2011
Voksenåsen, Oslo. Fellowship in the arts
"Plurality – Delimitation – Politics" – professional praxis in relation to artistic research and artistic research in relation to national policies.

27 May 2009, Key Note Speaker
Dance and Narrativity, University of Patras
Movement as the Memory of the Body
A Subjective Perspective

24 April 2009, Key Note Speaker
The difference of art and art research across the disciplines, ELIA Conference on Artistic research, Zürcher Hochschule der Künste ZHDK, Zürich
Throw the Stones Really Hard at Your Target
Rest in Peace

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17–18 April 2008
International conference, Malmö Academy of Music
Where does love take us and what does knowledge mean to the act of creation?

13 November 2007
Staging: the interface between artist, the artwork and the public, Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå University
Performing Reality – the Challenge of staging the every day life

11 October 2007, Key Note Speaker
Challenging the Notion of Knowledge, Teaterhögskolan Helsingfors, Finland
Cow on the Ice! Video
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20 April 2007
Close Encounters, University College of Dance
Among the Restless and Uneasy
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9–11 November 2005, Key note speaker
Sensous Knowledge, konsthögskolan i Bergen/Solstrand
Dance – For Better, For Worse,

27–30 October 2005
Body – Arts – Crossroads, Växjö universitet
Movement as the Memory of the Body (paper, film, performance)
Med ögat mitt i pannan

23 April 2005
NOFOD, National Conference at University of Gothenburg
Rörelsen som kroppens minne

9 December 2004, Key note speaker
ETHICS AND POLITICS EMBODIED IN DANCE International Dance Conference The Theatre Academy of Finland  
Dance - For better, For Worse.
and Movement as The Memory of The Body (paper).

15–17 October 2004, Key note speaker
Rörelse – kropp – gestaltning, Umeå University
Det Outsägliga – om lust, äckel, förväntan och annat som skapar mening i livet

15–18 April 2004
Dance Heritage: Crossing Academia and Physicality, NOFOD/Island University of Education.
Movement as the Memory of the Body
The Unspeakable

15–17 April 2004, Key note speaker
Specs’n Art, Mediterranean Contemporary Dance Platform/City University Athens, Crete
Working Towards Clarification of Intension in Choreography

23–26 October 2003
Pulses and Impulses for dance in the community, Universidade Téchnica de Lisboa.
On DANCE or The Madness in The Every Day Idyll