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Some words on my artistic approach

The role of the artist is to provide the context for creative processes in which the goal has not been pre-determined. This involves a considerable degree of risk-taking and the insight and understanding generated by the process may be just as much the goal as the “result” – the work of art. In the near future this process will become a more public matter than the work itself as the audience will take on a more active role in relation to concept, working methods, equipment, teaching… everything that contributes towards the working process. Members of the audience will have to make use of their own creative capacities in relation to experience, context, cause and effect. This form of participation will have an effect both on the artist and on the participating audience. Interaction.

In my work I concentrate on open-ended creative processes involving new forms of collaboration between artists and scientists with the focus on dance. The aim of the work is to develop new ways of working for artistic activities as well as new forms of performance and to improve the conditions for the encounter with our audience. My aim is also to shed light on the creative possibilities available within dance as an art form and how it can serve contemporary society.

The work crosses the boundaries between genres. I collaborate with other fields of artistic endeavour on projects to develop new forms of performance and new networks of arrangers. These projects also generate general models for others to experiment with. I do works of art for presentation both by new networks of arrangers and in new performance contexts as well as on the traditional stage – nationally and internationally.

I am frequently invited to stage performances in particular places or events at various sites and locations throughout the world but I also try to maintain a repertoire of prominent work made up of works for various foras and contexts, from intimate solo pieces to whole-evening performances for major stage venues. Creating dance for the new media is also one of the artistic challenges I am actively committed to. The working process is just an on-going adventure!
