Culture Policies

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Culture Policies

A collection of thoughts on culture policies:

Bästa ledamöter i Riksdagens kulturutskott (Best members of the Riksdag's culture committee), 5 March 2024 (pdf, in Swedish)

Viewing a Crash Site or Jumping the Broom, October 2023 (pdf)

Slå på grytor och kastruller! (Hit your pots and pans!), September 2023 (pdf, in Swedish)

De olydigas paradis (Paradise of the Disobedient), September 2022 (pdf, in Swedish)

For the archive of CEMPE at Norwegian Academy of Music, February 2022 (lecture in Swedish, Youtube)

Sing a Song or Scream out Loud, October 2018 (pdf)

Think, Talk, Act and Enjoy, February 2018 (pdf)

The Politics of Art – Or – What do the Arts do in Relation to the Creation of a New Narrative for Europe?, July 2013 (pdf)

The Technologies of Listening, December 2012 (pdf)

A Societal Survival Strategy, June 2012 (pdf)

A Vision: Observations at the Government Offices, April 2025, May 2012 (pdf)

Thoughts on Cultural Policy – Or – The Art of Going Forward Without Going Past, February 2012 (pdf)

In Swedish

Våga tala konst, september 2014 (pdf)

Om lyssnandets tekniker, december 2012 (pdf)

Några tankar om kulturpolitik, February 2012 (pdf)